A Great Research Starts Here

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A Great Research Starts Here

Dear Researcher,
We are delighted to welcome you to the Technion family!
As a researcher, you will have access to a wide range of library services to support your work.
We are here to help you succeed!

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or requests.

Update Your Researcher Profile

CRIS is a Current Research Information System that helps researchers to organize and enhance their professional profiles with information on scholarly activities, intellectual property, creative works and more.

CRIS  Introduction

Technion researchers automatically have access to a personal user account. 

Please, follow the link and log in by using the institutional login credentials – The Technion e-mail and its password. 

Click here: https://cris.technion.ac.il/admin

The CRIS system automatically imports all your publications from the databases:

  • Scopus (based on your Scopus ID) 
  • IHP (based on your ORCID ID).

These author identifiers are directly linked to your CRIS profile from the Technion HR SAP system.
We highly recommend on checking your author identifiers in SAP and update them if necessary.

The identification number helps to raise the research visibility, improve the research impact, find and recognize specific authors etc.

Log in to your SAP account by using the institutional login credentials: 


Go to the ‘מזהים ייחודיים לחוקרים’ tab.

Enter your identifiers into the fields:


Click ‘שמירה’ button to the changes.

Please, note: the changes in the SAP system will be shown in your CRIS profile next morning. 

The library’s Profiling and Identity guide provide an information on where and how to find the researcher’s IDs.

Please check your existing research outputs.

If all the details are correct, confirm displaying your profile in the CRIS portal at its presentation and that your profile will be updated automatically.

If some of the details are inaccurate, get the library’s assistance and request an update of your CRIS profile.

Join Biboxx today and eliminate the need to manually correlate your research outputs.

Taking advantage of CRIS acting as a central data repository, we’ve developed Biboxx, an efficient service that dynamically synchronizes publications from CRIS onto the researcher’s own site.

Guidance & Publishing

The Technion has two Interlibrary loan and document delivery departments: one at the Central Library and the other at the Medical Library.

The departments’ staff are responsible for ordering academic sources unavailable at the Technion, and for providing sources available at the Technion to academic libraries in Israel and around the world. For more details

The Researcher Profile provides a unique identification number for each author.

The identification number helps to raise your research visibility, finding and recognizing specific authors, avoiding the confusion caused by similar names etc.

Profiling and Identity

ORCID integration at the Technion


This guide will assist you to increase your visibility and maximize the impact of your research.

Scientific Evaluation Tools 


The Technion Libraries has acquired a professional database named PatBase Express. It is considered to be one of the world’s largest and leading databases in its field.

The information specialist in the library will provide general guidance on searching patents as well as orientation to available patents relevant for the specific field of interest. For more details

Collaboration and writing tools:

Infographic tools:

General recommendations from across the web for grammar checks:

📌 If you come across any instances of an academic boycott targeting Israelis (academic faculty members, post-doctoral students, or students)
or targeting academic institutions in Israel, please report an academic boycott situation to Samuel Neaman Institute. Read more

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