The Reference and Information librarians are here to assist you with any topics related to your academic research: guidance for individuals and groups – personalized to your specific research topic or course; introduction to unique and professional databases and useful research tools; scientific evaluation; finding academic references efficiently; advice on reference management programs, and more.
Technion community members have access to professional databases and other valuable academic tools. On the Research Support page, we have provided useful links to databases for academic references, data, and patents. You will also find on the page: a guide to scientific evaluation, managing a researcher’s profile, reference managers and citation tools, research support, and information on open-access publishing.
Research Support
Scientific Evaluation Tools
Our guide to scientific evaluation tools will assist you to maximize the impact of your research. Determine different bibliometric data, learn more about citation analysis and how to choose where to publish, avoid predatory journals, and more.
CRIS Technion
The Reference & Information team coordinates all matters related to the CRIS project (data recovery, adapting the system to the requirements and needs of the institution, impacting UI decisions, and participation in national committees). For our CRIS tutorial, click here
Reference Managers / Citation Tools
Reference management programs (or citation tools) assist researchers and students to organize and format their bibliographic citations and references. The libraries’ guide to citation tools is a good place to start when choosing a program that fits your academic needs.
Open-Access Publishing
Technion authors can save in their research costs: click here for the list of publishers who offer a reduced APC (article processing charges) for Technion researchers. See our author guide on how to publish an OA article for more details.
Patent Search
The Reference & Information team will be happy to assist with requests related to data and information on patents, searching prior art, and training on patent databases. Learn more

Learning and Teaching Support
Who are the personalized guidance for?
The personalized guidance offered by the reference librarians is useful for lecturers (for their courses), research groups, students, and more. To order guidance with us, please log in and fill out the request form.
Guidance topics:
- Literature reviews – demonstration of databases and research techniques
- Guidance on reference management programs
- Introducing tools used for scientific evaluation and research support
- Details on OA publishing
- Assistance in managing the researcher’s profile and publications list in the CRIS system
- Familiarity with patent databases and patent searches by research topic
- Tutorials in foreign languages for abroad students
- Tutorials as part of seminars and orientation days
- A visitors’ tour of the Elyachar Central Library (the Information and Learning Center)