Where to Deposit?
Students should prepare and submit their theses according to the instructions listed on the Graduate School website.
Regular studies programs:
Theses must be in digital form; send by e-mail to your faculty library.
In the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering deposit your thesis to the Graduate Studies Coordinator at mt.g.ad@technion.ac.il.
In the Faculty of Chemical Engineering deposit your thesis to the Graduate Studies Coordinator at ce.gr.ad@technion.ac.il.
In the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering deposit your thesis to the Graduate Studies Coordinator at bfe.teach.ad@technion.ac.il.
In the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering deposit your thesis to the Graduate Studies Coordinator at ae.g.ad@technion.ac.il.
In the Faculty of Computer Science deposit your thesis to the Graduate Studies Coordinator at sharonem@technion.ac.il.
Interdisciplinary studies programs
Theses must be in digital form; send by e-mail to the appropriate library:
- Energy Engineering/Expertise in Natural Gas & Petroleum Engineering – The advisor’s faculty library.
- Biotechnology – The advisor’s faculty library.
- Systems Engineering – The Graduate Studies Coordinator at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (ae.g.ad@technion.ac.il).
- Polymer Engineering – The Graduate Studies Coordinator at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering (polyeng.g.ad@technion.ac.il)
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems – The advisor’s faculty library.
- Applied Mathematics – Mathematics library.
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology – The advisor’s faculty library.
- Quality Assurance & Reliability – Mechanical Engineering library.
- Joint Master’s Program in Economics (M.Sc.) – Data and Decision Sciences library.
- The Interdisciplinary Program for Marine Engineering – Mechanical Engineering library.
Access and Uploading a Thesis to External Websites
The Technion’s policy is to enable access to theses for Technion users only.
In accordance with Technion’s academic regulations the provision of access to a thesis for non-Technion users is subject to obtaining a written agreement from the thesis advisor.
Accordingly, prior to uploading a thesis to external websites, the advisor’s approval must be obtained in writing.
If such an approval is obtained, the thesis may be uploaded to external websites but without the cover page, without the Technion’s logo, and without any mention of the Technion’s name in the deposited copy.
- The indication of the supervisors is permitted but not their affiliation to their academic units or to the Technion.
- The sentence that indicates the thesis is in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an academic degree should be omitted.
- The sentence that indicates the thesis was submitted to the Senate of the Technion should be omitted.
- Sentences that indicate in what capacity (academic units) the work was done should be omitted.
- Sentences that indicate any financial help that was received from the Technion should be omitted.