The Scopus author identifier assigns a unique number to authors in Scopus.
The Scopus author identifier helps in finding documents written by a specific author. To determine which author names should have the same identification, Scopus author identifier uses an algorithm that matches the authors’ names based on their affiliation, address, subject area, source title, dates of publication, citations, and co-authors.
A Scopus author ID is automatically generated on the first time one of your publications is indexed in Scopus, and it can also be integrated with ORCID.
Note: ORCID can be used across all platforms, but your Scopus author ID is specific to Scopus.
Scopus will sometimes generate multiple IDs for the same author, due to name spelling variations.
To solve this and to optimize the citation metrics, request to merge your author IDs.
For more information, please read the following page: Scopus author identifiers on Elsevier’s official website.