Profiling and Identity

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Profiling and Identity


The researcher profile provides a unique identification number for each author. The identification number helps to enhance the research visibility and impact, find and recognize authors, avoid the confusion caused by similar names, and more.

With an author identifier, your data and publications will remain associated with you even if you move to another institution or change your name.

  • The most commonly used author identifiers: ORCID ID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID), Scopus Author ID (Elsevier), Web of Science ResearcherID (Clarivate).
  • Important author identifiers for automatically updating the researcher profile in CRIS: Scopus Author ID (Elsevier), Orcid ID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID). Check and update your author identifiers in SAP system.
  • Search engines offering author profiles: Google Scholar author profiles.


ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a digital identifier that provides a unique number for each author.

ORCID provides a consistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers (including researchers who have the same name as yours).
Through integration in key research workflows such as manuscripts and grant submissions, your ORCID ID automatically makes the connection between your profile and your professional activities, ensuring that your work will get recognized.

  1. Sign in or register with your personal details.
  2. Choose a privacy level: “public” or “trusted parties”.
  3. With your permission, ORCID will import publications from Scopus, Web of Science, Europe PubMed Central and CrossRef, if their citations have a unique identifier (e.g., DOI, ISBN). 
For more details on how to manage your account, please visit the page: ORCID (at the Technion Libraries’ webportal)

Scopus Author ID

The Scopus author identifier assigns a unique number to authors in Scopus.

The Scopus author identifier helps in finding documents written by a specific author. To determine which author names should have the same identification, Scopus author identifier uses an algorithm that matches the authors’ names based on their affiliation, address, subject area, source title, dates of publication, citations, and co-authors.

A Scopus author ID is automatically generated on the first time one of your publications is indexed in Scopus, and it can also be integrated with ORCID.
Note: ORCID can be used across all platforms, but your Scopus author ID is specific to Scopus.

Scopus will sometimes generate multiple IDs for the same author, due to name spelling variations.
To solve this and to optimize the citation metrics, request to merge your author IDs.
For more information, please read the following page: Scopus author identifiers on Elsevier’s official website.

Type the last name, the initials and the affiliation (e.g. Technion) of the author in the ‘Authors’ search tab and click on ‘search’:

*Alternatively, search for authors by their ORCID identifier.

Click on the author’s name to access their profile:

Scopus profile Shechtman D.

  • Find your author details page
    • Go to the free author lookup:
    • Search for your name and/or ORCID ID (Scopus automatically creates a profile when you have 2 or more publications indexed)
    • Choose the best match from the search results
  • Review Your Profile
    • Ensure your personal details, institutional affiliations, and publications are accurate
  • Sign in or create an account to request corrections if needed.
    • Select “create account”
    • Enter your email address
    • Enter a password of your choice
    • Select the “sign in” button
  • Request corrections to your Scopus author profile
    • Select “edit author profile”
    • Choose your preferred name from the dropdown list
    • Review your documents, preprints and awarded grants
    • Choose your most recent affiliation from the dropdown list
  • Select “review request” and if  you are satisfied with the changes, “submit request”
  • Highly recommended: connect to ORCID

WoS ResearcherID

Web of Science (WOS) researcher profiles are the next stage in the evolution of Clarivate’s researcher profile offering after replacing Publons.  If you had a Publons profile, you will now find it in the Web of Science database. WOS researcher profile is the only profile where you can track your publications, citation metrics, handling editor work, peer reviews for journals, conferences, and funders, all in one place.

  • WOS researcher profile has four distinct sections: profile card, metrics panel, publication records, peer review record. The profile card includes the unique identifier – Web of Science ResearcherID (Formerly Publons).
  • Web of Science ResearcherID connects the researcher as an author to his works in the Web of Science ecosystem.
  • WoS Researcher Profile is integrated with ORCID and can be easily synchronized.
  • For more information, please read the following page: About Web of Science Researcher Profiles.
  1. To create or to view your researcher profile, click on the user icon on the side navigation pane:
  2. Create a new account with your email address or sign into an existing account.
  3. Click ‘view my researcher profile’ to view you personal information and customize it.

WOS researcher profiles can only be updated by the profile owner.

If you’ve noticed that you have duplicate profiles or two Web of Science researcher IDs (duplicate profiles after replacing Publons), you can request for your profiles to be merged:

  1. Log into any one of your profiles.
  2. Navigate to the ‘setting’ tab, then to ‘account settings’ and click ‘delete/merge account’.
  3. Select your preferred action: remove the account or merge it. To merge the accounts you will be asked to provide  the researcher ID of duplicate accounts. Submit your request by clicking on ‘submit your researcher ID’ then ‘submit request’:

Please note that submitting a request will not instantly delete your account or merge your profiles.
After reporting duplicate profiles, the WOS team will reach out to you via email to assist with the merging process.

Google Scholar Profile

Google Scholar offers an easy way for authors to display their academic publications.

Researchers can choose to automatically add articles, with citation metrics being regularly updated.

Google Scholar citation counts are commonly used, but they are not always accurate (refer to the ‘considerations’ section for more information on Google Scholar).

  1. Go to while you’re logged in to Google.
  2. Click on the ‘My Profile’ button in the upper left of the screen.
  3. Provide the requested personal information.
  4. Check and select your publications from the list provided by Google.
  5. Click the blue arrow to add your publications to the list:

  6. Once your publications are added to your profile, make your profile public, since private profiles are excluded from search results.
  7. You can also manually add publications to your profile.