Databases Author-Profiles

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Databases Author-Profiles

Google Scholar​The most comprehensive database for academic literature databases-g
orcid logoORCIDORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a digital identifier that provides a unique number for each author. We invite you to open your institutional ORCID account that will be associated with the Technion. databases-o
Publons_logoPublonsIn Publons one can link all of his papers in Web of Science under one identifier, which called Researcher ID. Publons is a free Clarivate Analytics product which is also used for public peer review, job applications and performance evaluation. databases-p
ScopusOne of the most comprehensive database with coverage of more than 22,000 journal titles and many options for narrow down search results by keywords, years, affiliation and more. The database is also used as a citation index tool and for citation analysis databases-s
Web of Science​A Multi-disciplinary database which besides its large scope and coverage is also used for citation indexing and analysis as standard in academic institutions worldwide databases-w