International Library Loan is aimed at ordering books or academic sources that are not available at the Technion.
Faculty members, students and administrative staff of the Technion can order books, articles, theses and research reports from libraries in Israel and around the world at no cost.
Once you make sure that the materials you are looking for are not available at the Technion, you may look them up in other catalogs & libraries and fill in an ILL request form.
This service is for research, teaching and study purposes only.
For any questions please contact the library:
Ms. Lena Zugman – Head of the EE Library :
Dr. Vera Kitaev – Information Specialist:
Before using the service, it is highly recommended to contact the faculty library and / or the Reference and Instruction Department at the Central Library, which can help locate the requested items.
The items shall be sent to your faculty library. (A notification will be sent by email).
The articles will be sent to the requester in PDF format usually within 24 hours.
An order can be canceled only if the relevant library has not yet started the order process.