Organizing conferences

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Organizing conferences

Organizing conferences

A conference can be organized using the website interface of the research unit or faculty.
Alternatively, one can contact an external company.


Note – the Technion libraries do not have a subscription or an agreement for any website for organizing conferences.

Organizing a conference? Be sure to implement the following principles

  • Market the conference in the appropriate visibility for the research field
  • Save the lists of invitees, the confirmed participants, the presentations, and posters
  • Be sure to reach a prior agreement with the publisher that will publish the conference proceedings on its website
  • It is preferable that each speech at the conference will have its own page in DOI that may be citable without the conference proceedings
  • For every publication, it is recommended to provide for the user a number of ways to create a citation (according to the tools for citation management such as Zotero, and downloads in various formats (RIS, Bibtex etc,)
  • If possible, deposit the materials into an Institutions’ s repository site, or other repositories, such as the Technion community in Zenodo
  • Verify that conference information is stable, and not located on “landing pages“ especially if the conference is not accompanied by Conference proceedings