Articles in Periodicals vs proceedings – what are the differences?

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Articles in Periodicals vs proceedings – what are the differences?

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Parameter Conference Paper (conference proceedings) Article (Journal)
In scientific conferences, the conference committee is responsible for the content
presented at the conference, and the quality of the peer- review

When the peer-review is performed by stringent publishers, the quality will be higher,
and more credible than when the peer-review is performed by the conference’s organizers
(evaluate case -by case)

When choosing to publish conference proceedings in depository sites or various “home pages”,
the reader is prevented from being able to first check their quality indices,
since the articles are neither measured nor ranked (in contrast to articles in journals)
The quality is contingent on the strictness of the publisher’s
criteria for accepting materials for publication

i.e. the meticulousness of the editors and peer review
The conference, which is held physically, digitally, or hybridly
The articles are sent to the publishers by its authors
who request their publication
• Files installed on various equipment (cds, disk-on-keys etc.)

• Printed volumes

• Conferences’ depository sites - for example, conferences that take place in the Technion
are found on the Technion’s website

• Websites - Internet services that publish conferences (such as BePress)
• The publishers’ website
The Journal’s website or its print form
Depends on where the materials are published. The publishes can offer free traditional access,
or they can provide Open or Hybrid access.

Publishing on proceedings websites does not entail any costs
Depends on the type of access:
Traditional access or Open access
Whenever the publication is done through a large and reputable publisher,
the distribution and indices are greater without the authors’ intervention, such as publishing in PMC.
In addition, the connection with publishers is likely to be fruitful
from the standpoint of internet visibility, due to their search engine optimization (SEO)

Whenever one publishes independently, there is no distribution system,
and one relies solely on search engine robots, and the websites SEO.

Additionally, it is possible to submit the materials to depositories such as Zenodo,
which will enhance visibility.

When connecting with a publisher, it’s useful to check whether the product will appear in databases
with large exposure such as Scopus, WOS, etc.
One should check where the journal is indexed
to ensure that the research product will have high visibility.

When connecting with a publisher, it’s useful to check
whether the product will appear in databases with
large exposure such as Scopus, WOS, DBLP etc.

Additional differences between articles in journals and Conference proceedings:

  • Conferences are intended for the quick transfer of materials, and for presenting the latest discoveries. The conference proceedings are designed to reflect this through the  fast publication, as opposed to Journals
  • The impact factor – conference proceedings  usually lack an impact factor, while academic journals are ranked
  • Research stages – Academic journals tend to publish final results, while conference proceedings are intended to present unfinished research articles are still in various stages of advancement

In various fields, where there is a high rate of development, Conference proceedings are  the principal method of communication and publication (For example, in Computer Science)