Databases for Business Data
Informative and professional databases for business data are now more in demand than ever, by various business organizations in Israel and technological institutes in general (including the Technion).
Modern research and development approaches are getting more and more applicative. and It is important to use the right appropriate research tools in order to avoid unproductive methods and waste time.
There are many different tools and databases for tracking different types of information and data: regarding specific companies, their competition, technology and products, patents and more. Some of the tools have free access online, and some require subscription.
Some of the tools that are free online:
- DirectIndustry – This website allows you to search specific items by categories, projects, news and trends.
- EngNet – Engineering Directory – Allows you to search for brands, products and services by categories in the field of engineering.
The Technion libraries have a subscription to several professional databases, in which you can find out if the product or technology that you are interested at has already been developed by an entrepreneur or an existing business, find out who are the relevant companies and competitors, and predict the value of your product.
Our subscriptions:
- BCC Research: this is a great source for financial predictions, market research and reviews (mostly for technological developments, products and patents).
- LexisNexis: a business database that covers data from more than 24,000 newspapers, blogs, magazines and journals from around the world. It provides detailed information regarding the finances of companies from approximately 150 global information sources, data regarding global markets and industries, and details about entrepreneurs and business networks from approximately 500 databases.
- Hoover’s Company Profiles: provides data regarding more than 40,000 companies and their competition, financial information and details about entrepreneurs and business networks.
PatBase Express: the most recommended database for patents, existing and leading technological developments (current developments and processes over time), market and audiences research, data based on location, information about entrepreneurs, producers, makers and suppliers.
For the complete list of recommended databases for business information
Want to learn more?
The Technion Libraries are here for you! We are happy to provide research assistance and academic tutoring. Please contact us if you have any questions or requests, and send us your comments or ideas for the next newsletter – The Reference & Instructions Department (Elyachar’s Central Library):
April 2021 \ Issue #6 \ Writing, editing and graphic design: Reference & Instruction Team
Translated from Hebrew by Karen D.Johnson, Elyachar Central Library