Performing a onetime search, especially while using free search tools, may help receive a first impression of the current situation, but does not cover all patents submitted, worldwide. One must perform periodical searches or sign up for an Alert/RSS service.
In any case, this does not replace a professional patent search service.
Databases with Technion libraries subscriptions:
- PatBase Express - [coverage: information from over 100 worldwide patent authorities]
- Scifinder – [coverage: information from 31 worldwide patent authorities]
- Lexis Nexis Academic – [coverage:USPTO]
Free online resources
- Worldwide and national patent authorities
- (US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO
- (Espacenet (European Patent Office
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO
- Israeli Patent Office
- Free search engines
- Google Patent Search [coverage: information from over 100 worldwide patent authorities]
- FreePatentsOnline [coverage: JPO,WIPO,EPO,USPTO]