Dear Graduate Student,
Once you complete your defense and final examination, please follow the following steps for the thesis submission. You must fill in the online release form. In the online form, you shall also find the deposit form, also attached here for your convenience. There is no need to send anything to the library! Your thesis and deposit form must be uploaded onto the digital release form. The deposit form MUST be signed with an authentic signature and not just the typed version of the name of the supervisor.
A request to delay the publication of the thesis.
Moreover, prior to submitting your thesis to the library, you must make sure that:
Lack of debts confirmation:
If you have no obligations to the library – The Library confirmation will be automatically transferred to the Graduation Procedures Office.
If you encounter a problem please contact:
The Technion HelpDesk or the Central Library–additional services–lack of debts confirmation for graduates: 073-3782504
We wish you lots of success, many happy returns 🙂