Important things to know​​

Electrical engineering

Important things to know​​

​The Electrical Engineering Library is a Green library​

  • For your convenience, paper-recycling bins are scattered through the library.
  • Draft pages can be found at the counter at the entrance and on the 2nd floor near the printers.
  • Re-organizing your home? We will be happy to receive Fiction books and Popular Science books in Hebrew and in English in good condition.
  • You can find old practice copies of exams at the VA’AD room in Fishbach building.

The Digital Library

The digital library is accessible from any computer on campus and outside of it, and includes a variety of databases, an extensive collection of periodicals and electronic books, access to recorded lectures, theses of Technion graduates and more.
In order to connect to the library databases outside the campus, a Technion e-mail username and password is required.
For additional information: Off-campus Access

Recommendations Scientific Literature Acquisition:

If you would like to recommend a new book to the library, please send bibliographic information to:
It is preferable that your recommendation will be backed up with the approval of a faculty member.