Unique identifiers help to raise your research visibility, finding and recognizing specific authors, avoiding the confusion caused by similar names etc.
Thanks to the unique Author Identifier:
- Your information and publications will remain associated with you, even if you move to another institution or change your name.
- Helps in avoiding mismatches when it comes to different name variations or spelling errors.

ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Provides a consistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers (including researchers who have the same name as yours). Your ORCID ID automatically makes the connection between your profile and your professional activities, ensuring that your work gets recognized.
Registration for ORCID is straightforward and can be completed through the following link: https://orcid.org/register. ORCID offers an online help center.
Additionally, you can refer to the libraries’ manual for ORCID to familiarize yourself with its functionalities. Upon registration, you will receive your ORCID ID, which you will need to complete the final form (provided below).

Scopus Author ID
Scopus Author ID – Assigns a unique number to authors in Scopus database.
The Scopus author identifier helps in finding documents written by a specific author. To determine which author names should have the same identification, Scopus Author Identifier uses an algorithm that matches the authors’ names based on their affiliation, address, subject area, source title, dates of publication, citations, and co-authors.
A Scopus Author ID is automatically generated the first time one of your publications is indexed in Scopus, and it can also be integrated with ORCID.
- Access the Scopus database. Navigate to ‘Author search’ and enter your last and first names in the respective search fields, then click ‘Search’.
- Click on your name, enter to your profile and there you will find your Author ID in Scopus
- If you only have 1 publication: from the search results, click on the number of publications (1) and then select your name from the authors list.

Fill In Your Author Identifiers
After obtaining these IDs (or just the ORCID ID if you haven’t published yet), please fill in this form (link provided here).
If you have any inquiries regarding ORCID ID or Scopus Author ID, please do not hesitate to contact us.