Author Affiliations Guidance

Author Affiliations Guidance

Accurate registration of institutional affiliations in publications is significant for improving the research visibility and the professional impact of both researchers and academic institutions, due to its importance in international world academic ranking.

Full institution name Campus address Country
Technion Israel Institute of Technology
Technion City, Haifa 3200003

Following the author affiliation guide when listing your author affiliation in your publication, is a significant step in ensuring optimal exposure of your research work and in strengthening the Technion’s standing in the global arena.

What is the correct way to write the name of the institution (affiliation) ❓

How to add the name of the faculty / department ❓

Is it permissible to shorten the name of the institution / unit❓

To provide an answer to these and other questions, we have created a guide for registering your institutional affiliation in publications.

To be eligible for the benefits offered within the open access (OA) agreements (subjected to the publishers’ terms in the list of agreements), it is highly important to ensure an accurate registration of the name of the institution (affiliation) when submitting the publication.

You can of course contact us with any question or request or order personal / group guidance.

Prof_ref_@ technion

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2025 \ Issue #11 \ Writing, editing and graphic design: Reference & Instruction team (Lior Porat, Ella Bogillo, Karen Dabran & Ortal Renford)