Recommended Google Chrome extensions (plugins)
We wanted to share with you some free plugins that can help with research and academic writing.
Here are three useful plugins you may have not known about yet!
Important: To avoid transferring information to a third party, etc. by malicious software, it is always recommended to consult with your unit’s computer engineer before installing any plug-ins and software on the computers.
Highlight This:
Find and mark words – will find and highlight chosen keywords within a web page in different colors
A real treasure!
Do you want to search for several different words at the same time on a webpage? Do you want to also distinguish one group of words from another by using colors? This is the plugin for you.
This Chrome extension allows you to create word lists of up to 200 different words that will be highlighted by a chosen color (for example: creating a list of synonyms for some term). Create various lists and set a different color to each, to color code the article you’re reading and assist in fast academic reading.
In short, an extremely useful plugin for literature review.
Disadvantage – does not search within PDF files, but you can always search within html files of articles.

Helps in finding preprint versions of articles that are locked with a Paywall
Are you interested in an article that does not have Open Access, and the Technion does not have a subscription to the database? Click on the Unpaywall icon: if a valid version of the article or an early version of it (pre-print) exists on the Internet, the plugin will immediately find it for you. Works great, worth a try!

Allows you to organize your tabs into groups and save them for future use
Are you familiar with having too many open tabs on your browser, until you no longer remember which tab is related to which topic? Instead of making lists of web addresses (or working with too many open tabs), just use a chrome extension called OneTab:
- Will save each group of tabs in Chrome to a group that you can return to later, even after closing the browser
- Each group of tabs can be named
- No need to work with multiple tabs on the screen!
- You can create a link from a list of tabs and share it with others (Share as a web page)

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2024 \ Issue #10 \ Writing, editing and graphic design: Reference & Instruction team (Lior Porat, Ella Bogillo, Karen Dabran & Inbar Dekel-Levinzon)